Distance Reiki Healing


  • Distance Reiki Healing is known as Remote Healing.

  • It is Transferring the Energy from a Practitioner to the Recipient.

  • It Does Not require Recipients to be in the Same Location.

  • Through the Levels Of Attunement and Training the Practitioner can do the Distance Healing.

  • We will do the Distance Healing with the Help Of Proxy (Pillow, Teddy or Toys) or Photograph of the person who Needs Distance Reiki.

  • We can Do the Process through Video as well.

  • Reiki Practitioner who has Done Level 2 they can Do Distance Level Reiki.

  • Practitioner give this Distant Healing through some Reiki Symbols.

  • Distance Reiki can be Sent To Anyone, Anywhere and at Any Time—though Permission should be invoked or received in some way.

  • Distance Reiki is one of many ways to Link to and Channel this Energy For The Healing benefit of others.