Crystal Therapy

  • Crystal Healing is a Holistic and natural therapy that Taps Into The Energetic Power Of Crystals and how they Affect the Body and Mind.

  • The Therapist will place Healing Crystals on or Around A Client to help Unblock, Focus, and Direct Energy.

  • Crystal Healing is an Energy-Based system.

  • It is Based On the Belief that we are All Made up of Different Energies and that when this Becomes Stagnant, Unbalanced, or Blocked, it Can Cause Illness.

  • The Crystals helps to Unblock, Balance, and Direct Energy where it is most needed, gently supporting the body to heal in a therapeutic way.

  • Types Of Crystals are thought to have Different Properties and Energies.

  • Just Holding and Being Near these Crystals is, therefore, thought to affect our Own Energies on a Physical, Spiritual, and Emotional Level.

  • Depending on their Benefits, we can Use a Healing Rock to naturally Heal Ourselves and Remove Stress and Negativity.