Mokshapatham Reader

  • Mokshapat is a dice Divination tool that Fills the reader with Wisdom and the Laws Of Karma.

  • It is a board of Enlightenment.

  • The Board is a Fascinating Revelation from the Vedic Past.

  • The readings Apply to all eras and ages of the Past and Future Generations.

  • In India, We are calling it Paramapadam, Mokshapadam, or Mokshapat.

  • The Teachings are related to the Theory Of Karma.

  • Mokshapat Reading is an extremely Exciting Divination aimed towards taking Self-Knowledge and Guidance based on the Vedas, Puranas and Smritis.

  • In Mokshapat Readings, you Not Only Get Answers to your questions Regarding your Present and Future, You can get an Insight into where are you in Your Life Stage.

  • It Reveals the different Changes Or Turning Points.

  • Understand why Things Happen In Life, the way They Do, and what Can Be Done To Alter them to learn to Deal with Old Repeating Karmic Patterns and also Soul Lessons.