Tarot Reading

  • Like many forms of divination, Tarot Cards are a tool to Helps you tap into your Own Intuition and the Wisdom Of The Universal Energy that guides your Life.

  • Tarot is able to Tap into Hidden Thoughts, Feelings, and Truths and Bring them to the Surface so you can Use that Information to make Decisions About Life, Love, Emotions, Health, Career, and More.

  • Psychic Ability and Intuition are often seen as "Supernatural."

  • However, Anyone can Develop Psychic Abilities since we all have Access to Intuition. Therefore, Anyone can read Tarot Cards!

  • As a tool for divination, the Tarot draws upon the Symbols to Stimulate the Subconscious Mind of the Reader.

  • It offers Clarity in Difficult Situations.

  • Sometimes it seems Hard to take a Step Back and see the situation from an objective perspective.

  • Here Tarot does its Magic, Giving a Deeper Understanding of the issue and Giving the Solutions for the best possible outcomes.

  • It Gives advice for Moving Ahead.

  • It is always Hard to Fix the Problem.

  • Tarot can help you Make a Better Future and Guide you to the path of the Right Actions that are necessary during that time.

  • We need to Believe that we are the Creator Of Our Own Destiny, creating Positive Situations In Negative Ones.

  • Tarot helps you witness the Natural Gifts that can Help you Heal yourself.

  • However, contrary to popular belief, the Cards do not simply Tell Your Fortune, and one does not have to be a Psychic to give Tarot readings.

  • The Cards are meant to provide Insight into the Innermost Truths of your higher self.

  • In other words, the Cards provide an evolved Awareness of what you already know Deep Within.

  • The origin of the Tarot is unknown, but we do have Documented References of Tarot Card use back to Fourteenth-Century Europe.

  • The Tarot has been Used as an Oracle, in the basic Form We Know Today, since the Beginning Of The Seventeenth-Century.