
  • Pranayama is an Ancient Breathing Technique and practice of Breath Regulation.

  • Prana means to Elevate The Prana Shakti or Life Energies. Pranayama involves in "Patterns Of Breathing”.

  • It will help you to Clear the Physical and Emotional Obstacles.

  • When your Prana Flow or energy channels are Blocked or restricted, you may Experience a Lack Of Focus and Negative Emotions like Anxiety, Fear, Worry, Tension, Depression, Anger, and Grief.

  • When your Prana or energy channels are Open and Flowing Freely and Smoothly, the Mind becomes Calm, Focused, Happy, Positive, and Enthusiastic. 


  • Clear your Mind and Sharpen your Awareness.

  • Increase Energy, Health and Mental Balance.

  • Energize or calm Your Body and Mind.

  • Become Aware Of The Deeper layers of the Self.

  • Boost your Immune System.

  • A Boost in Energy Levels.

  • Deep and Restorative Sleep.

  • Brain Empowerment and Better Focus.

  • Relieves Stress, Anxiety, and Depression.

  • Heal Mind and Body.