Soul Contract

  • Essence Of Life purpose is your Talents, Karma, and Goals and how to Apply Them in the earthly demands and Spiritual Calling of your life.

  • An incarnating Soul Chooses what it will experience in Order To Grow, and before a baby is born the parents often know a child’s name intuitively.

  • The Sound Of The Name creates the Soul Contract because the sound is creative, as in all creation myths.

  • This Name Carries The Energy, The Soul will Live.

Karmic Matrix

  • When the Soul Embodies, the Soul Contract is Translated into a Karmic Matrix.

  • A Karmic aspect is the lessons the Soul has Come To Learn.

  • These Run throughout their Lifetime.

  • They can be very Intense At First but the Intensity Decreases as you Learn from them and this can Become a great Strength For The Personality.

  • Every Soul Decides their Soul Contract before they Come Into the Earth.

  • Everything is Destined in your Life.

  • Your Soul Contract decided with the Help of your Spiritual Masters and Previous Karma.